Investing in Alternative Asset Classes

In the world of investments, there is a lot more available than just the “standard”. Alternative investments are items and asset classes that offer unique properties that, when added to a diversified portfolio, can offer additional balance, or even growth opportunities.

Join us to learn what alternative investments are, and the risk/return profiles of some alternative asset classes and dig into the opportunities and concerns of cryptocurrency.

The goal of “Investing in Alternative Asset Classes” is to look at alternative investment options with an open mind, reviewing the potential risks and comparing them with the opportunity for return. Understanding your personal risk/return balance is important to recognize which alternative investments may be worth including in your diversified portfolio, and which are beyond your comfort level.

You will learn what alternative investments are, and how they behave compared to the standard market; the risk/return profile of some different alternative asset classes, including commodities, private capital, and derivatives; and some of the opportunities and concerns that come with a popular new alternative investment, cryptocurrency. Sometimes the perfect portfolio balance requires thinking outside the box—just be sure to do your research first.